Saturday, November 8, 2008

Obama’s Dilemma - The Presidential Dog

Like it or not Obama is the President-elect and deserves as much help as he can get. My offer is a form of partisanship, “pooch partisanship” if you will. Rather than slinging pooch patties displaying my real feelings about this two year saga I am coming out of my cave with some help with the doggie dilemma.

Most importantly the dog must possess presidential qualities –intelligents with great strength. Be powerful,protective and watchful of children and VP's. Most important is the ability to rescue human beings from drowning.

The obvious choice is the NEWFOUNDLAND!
I am so secure in my recommendation I will let the Obama’s test my choice by offering a two week trial of Schootchie de Noodge. My only request is that I must accompany “Schootch”, staying in the Lincoln bedroom for the two weeks. We will require the services of the White House chef, secret service and a masseuse for "Schootch" and myself during our stay.